Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Meet Patti

All right, so it's been a while (again) since I've made an entry. But I'm back to continue my "I Love My Friends!" series. I realize, though, that I'd have an awful lot of friends to feature if I were to make sure to not leave anyone out, so I've decided to make each testimonial a little bit shorter than the one I made for Javi.

So let me introduce you to my best friend, Patti. Who, by the way, was told to pose like so by a group of friends. She is not in the least bit the type to walk around her one hand on her hip, and that's what is so great about her - she is very down-to-earth and straightforward. You have to respect her for her candor because one thing she absolutely hates is BS.

But back in our Freshman year of high school, the one thing she hated was ME.

Patti and I were classmates then, and we didn't get off to a great start. We ended up being partners for the Swing (yes, the dance) for Freshman PE class, and we hated each other so much that we kept tugging on each others' arms. Oh boy. Those were the days.

Eventually, we got over ourselves and started talking about things we actually had in common - like our fascination with The Cutting Edge (Moira Kelley and DB Sweeney), writing, listening to music, and a certain boyband that never quite made it to the US market ;) But in our defense, they were quite popular in England! Honest!

College passed, and we began working together at the
Ayala Museum. This is where I saw how amazing Patti was at doing her job. I mean, I was her classmate and seatmate even for two years, so I knew she was efficient and well-organized, but seeing her actually at work made me so proud of her... and so honored to be her best friend. She certainly puts all her heart and soul in a project if she feels it is actually worth her time. As a person, that is how she handles herself - she commands respect from the people around her, but is also very eager to please you if she knows you are worthy of her respect.

Now, Patti is a Communications Specialist at Ace Saatchi & Saatchi, as well as a freelance consultant, where she has completed jobs such as the PR campaign for the Peninsula Manila (yes, right before it got smashed into by a military personnel carrier) and has gone to India for a client project. Her job and projects have the fantastic perks of schmoozing with the uppercrust of Manila and traveling to fantastic cities, and I believe she truly deserves it. Patti is creative and hardworking, but is most importantly a wonderful friend!

P, here's to you and to more travels around the world! May one of your projects lead you in the direction of New York City!


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