Saturday, June 7, 2008

May 3 in Maryland / DC

I had conferences on Military Antennas and Military Radar to take care of last May, so Javi and I took the opportunity to spend time with Tita Em and Uncle Hamid in Maryland.
(Yes, I know, this entry should have come before Tita Em's trip to NYC. Oops!)
Javi and I usually arrive at their place right before lunch time, so Tita Em and I agreed that we would just have lunch and spend the rest of the day in their apartment so all three of us (Uncle Hamid was at work) could relax. Below, are some pictues of our *fancy* lunch ;)

Cutting up the lettuce for our sandwich!

The masterpiece! Salami, cheese, tomoatoes, green bell peppers.

Javi's share of the sub

My share of the sub. THANK YOU, Tita Em! It was delicious!

In the afternoon, Unkie came home from work, and took us to Ben's Chili (Javi had been requesting that we go there since it was featured on a Food Network show a few months ago).
Ben's Chili is a classic diner located on U and 14th, and is accessible by the Metro. Back in the 80's, this neighborhood was notorious for its crime rate.
Today, you actually still feel a little uneasy walking around this area as the sun sets. It's as if the area reminds its visitors and inhabitants that it once was a place that cabbies dared not drop off a passenger - it reminds people of what it once was.
But as the final rays of the sun hide behind newly built condominiums along such a diverse street, it allows people to realize what it is today - an area of potential and future gentrification.

Back to the Chili!
Everyone in line has to see the dogs on the fryer.

Everyone's waiting to get a bite out of their hotdogs!


Eating unhealthy has never felt this good!

The place at night.

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