Saturday, March 21, 2009

Subway Strings

It has certainly been a while since my last entry - 4 months, to be exact! My, how time flies! I can't say that I've been having all fun - on the contrary, things at work have been insane. Hence, the reason for my blogging absence.

But I plan to be back now, and have come to the realization that even though I haven't been anywhere exciting lately, or nothing really interesting has been happening in our lives, that I can still post here while staying true to the theme of this blog: my becoming a New Yorker.

Javi and I caught the Out of Towners playing on TV this morning - that movie with Goldie Hawn and Steve Martin, where they travel to NY from Ohio, only to end up in the most compromising predicaments throughout their whole trip. Steve Martin's character said something that I think is beginning to hold true for me now as well: that New Yorkers can't see all the great things about this city because they're jaded - New Yorkers take for granted so many things that make this city great because they see it day in and day out. And that's when I started to think of my first few weeks in NY - back in 2006, and how amazed I was at the energy that this great city had (and still does!).

So from now on, my goal is to have my camera handy at all times, so I can capture the "energy" that everyone is talking about but can't quite describe. To start off, I've posted videos of something that is truly characteristic of Manhattan - subway musicians!

I was about to put my camera away after having filmed this guy, when I heard another set of stringed instruments playing in another part of the subway platform. I followed the sound and came across these guys:

Out of courtesy to the musicians for having filmed them for so long, I gave them cash and picked up a business card from the violin case on the floor. I must apologize to the violinst in this video, because I didn't know that the business card only mentions the cellist - Tim Rusterholz. Sorry, violin guy, I can't mention your name here. Maybe some other time? Or maybe someone who knows him will find this blog and enlighten me? Here's to hoping! But for now, let's have a listen to Four Seasons by Vivaldi. ;)

Till my next entry... which should be soon!



Holly said...

Glad to see you're back in the blogosphere, Kristine! I always love good subway musicians, too. I haven't been underground much lately, and when I have, it's been racing between prenatal appointments and work, so I haven't had a chance to stop and listen. The last thing I heard was a very loud "ex-cokehead preacher," as he called himself. That's nowhere near as fun.

K said...

Hey, Holly! Thanks for stopping by! Yes, there are plenty of subway characters, so I'm glad I got to share the good ones in this blog! I'll take more short videos from now on! ;)