Saturday, June 6, 2009


Yankees vs Orioles 5.21.09

Since Javi and I will be moving to NJ soon, I requested that he take me to a Yankees game while we're still official New Yorkers. Thanks to the help of his friend Michelle, who is a BIG Yankees fan, Javi was able to get us reasonably-priced seats at a really good spot... especially for someone who has never been to a baseball game before!

I never thought green grass could be so breathtaking!

And in this stadium, as long as you're a Yankees fan, you're considered part of the family.

Above: I think this was taken right before Swisher hit one of the two home runs in the same inning. It was definitely an exciting game! 3 homers in one game!!! Go Yankees!!!!

We stayed for the whole game because I didn't want to miss a second of it! Now I understand why baseball is called "America's favorite pasttime" - more than the actual sport itself, ball games are a venue for people to get together to root for the same team, and for families to spend time together while eating peanuts and cracker jacks. And if their team wins... well, that's certainly a bonus ;)

1 comment:

Danny Cortes said...

Dear Kris,
Yup, baseball is an exciting game. It's also Japan's national sport apart from Sumo Wrestling. I'm happy you both had fun together.
Love and miss you both,