Saturday, April 19, 2008

Dinner Buffet at The Heat in Edsa Shangri-La

Edsa Shangri-La is a five star hotel with an awesome buffet restaurant called The Heat.
Javi and I had dinner with our parents and Kim at this fabulous place!

The pictures explain the restaurant way better than I can!

Seafood bar

Our Moms getting salad.

This is what should happen to all the pigs in our country (I speak in a metaphor!). This is the traditional way of serving roasted pig - too bad they had already taken out the apple from the pig's mouth when I took the shot.
Onto desert, shall we?!
Truffles and cakes and pastries, oh my!
Pistachio treats!

Look at Javi's eyes, all lit up with sugarbliss!

Happy and full!

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